Tasting area
From production to tasting
The increasingly frequent presence of visitors to the company and the importance today attributed to wine tourism, which has become widespread in the territories characterized by prestigious wine production and landscapes, enrich the cellars with new functions that integrate those strictly productive and ask for a new modulation.
The visiting spaces of the cellars are a significant attraction for food and wine tourism or more generally for rural tourism in the area concerned. For the success of the project, a good integration of the visiting spaces with the operational ones becomes essential, and at the same time the reduction of the interference of the presence of visitors in the processing areas.
The visitor's path will in fact accompany the entire wine production process, including the areas directly serving the transformation, through paths that follow the production cycle but which find a different location from the areas frequented by employees and vehicles.
The winery is also equipped with representative and reception rooms for visitors and communicates the characteristic features of its product in them. The close relationship between wine and territory can be effectively communicated in these spaces if it is possible to organize for the visitor an experience of perception of wine, made up of information, tasting, enjoyment of the landscape, pleasure.a.